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Weekend seminar with Patricia Hendricks sensei 6 dan

15-16 October 2011 in Gothenburg, Sweden

We welcome you all to take part in a joyful, inspiring and intensive training with Patricia Hendricks sensei from San Leandro. In addition to fantastic training we invite you to a party on Saturday evening you will remember long after you left!

Place: Frölunda Judoklubb, Reningsverksgatan 3, Västra Frölunda.

Fees: Training 650 SEK, Party 200 SEK.

Accomodation: At Riai Aikido Dojo (free). Raketgatan 9, Gothenburg. Bring sleeping bag.

Register & payment: Fill out the form below Swedish participants: please send 200 SEK or total sum for application to Swedish plus giro 231004-3 (Aikidoföreningen Riai). Final payment before first training. Non Swedish participants: Final payment before first training. All participants must be fully insured. Bring jo & bokken.

Schedule: Saturday 15 October 10.30-11.30, 11.45-12.45 (lunch 12.45-14.15), 14.15-15.15, 15.30-16.30 Party 18.30 Dinner & dance! Sunday 16 October 10.00-11.00, 11.15-12.15 (lunch 12.15-13.45) 13.45-14.45, 15.00-16.00.


Flyer in PDF format.


Fill out the form below to register.


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