Welcome to Riai Aikido Dojo, we have groups for (almost!) all age groups. Children, youths,…
Riai Festival: Demonstrations & training 27-28 August!
During two days we will have our first Riai Festival with demonstrations, training, and taiko drum lesson for all ages. Depending on the weather, the schedule might be adjusted. Bring family and friends, you are all welcome! This is a good opportunity to try Aikido and Taiko drums.
SCHEDULE Saturday 27 August 2022
Location: we will be outdoors on the lawn nearby the dojo at Axel Krooks gångväg. In the dojo, if it is raining.
11.00-11.15 Riai Taiko opens the festival, taiko performance
11.15-11.30 Demonstrations age groups 5-7, 7-9, 10-12, 13-15
11.30-12.30 (from 10 yrs) Try Taiko!
11.30-12.00 Try Aikido 5-7 yrs
12:00-12.30 Try Aikido 7-9 yrs
12:00-12:30 Try Aikido 10-12 yrs JO & BOKKEN
12.30-13.00 Try Aikido 10-12 yrs TAIJUTSU
12.00-13.00 Try Aikido 13-15 yrs (in the dojo), JO, BOKKEN, TAIJUTSU
13.30-13:45 Taiko uppvisning/Riai Taiko performance
13.45-14.00 Demonstrations age groups 5-7, 7-9, 10-12, 13-15
14.00-15.00 Try out Aikido & taiko alla ages
SCHEDULE Sunday 28 August
Location: In the dojo
11.00-11.15 Introduction to Aikido, demonstration adults
11.15-11.55 Try Aikido adults TAIJUTSU; JO & BOKKEN/
12.00-12.15 Riai Taiko performance by Riai Taiko
12.15-13.00 Try Taiko! (teenagers and adults)
13.00-14.00 Try Aikido teen and young adults 15-25 yrsTAIJUTSU; JO & BOKKEN
14.00-15.00 Introduction and try-out “Aikido Slow 55+”, here we train slower, less intense
Coffe, snacks etc both days!
Wordlist: TAIJUTSU = body techniques, JO = wooden staff, BOKKEN = wooden sword
TAIKO = big Japanese wadaiko drums