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Aikido for youth


You pay the fee to the association’s Bankgiro, and are thereby registered. The fee also includes insurance from the Swedish Sports Confederation. If you are several children / youth from the same family, you get a sibling discount of SEK 250.

For parents who train in an adult group and children who train in a child / youth group, a family discount of SEK 200 is given.

Aikido for youth

We have two youth groups at Riai. Group 4, 13-15 years, and group 5, 15-20 years. Group 4 is part of Young Riai’s ranking system and has its own training sessions twice a week. Group 5 is more fluid, as they can belong to both the youth group and the adult group.

What you as a youth want out of the training varies from person to person. For some individuals it requires a high pace with a lot of fall techniques and for others it requires social interaction, first and foremost. Some want effective techniques and others want to focus on weapon training. Some want and need to train with adults, others want and need to train with those who are younger or of the same age. The most important thing is to place those who want to start training in the correct group – so they can develop at the suitable pace for them. Contact us if you are unsure and we will help you find the right group!

What do we do?

Vi börjar varje träning med uppvärmning och fallträning, och går därefter över till teknikträning. Vi arbetar med jo (trästav) och bokken (träsvärd) och ibland annan rekvisita. Teknikerna som utövas med ungdomar är de samma som för vuxna förutom en viss teknikanpassning där ett signalsystem vid tekniker som bryter mot t.ex handleder används (för att skydda ej färdigväxta leder).

Effekter av träningen är att man får ett mentalt fokus och kan koncentrera sig bättre i sin vardag, blir fysiskt starkare och får bättre självkänsla.

Att träna aikido innebär att träna på förhand uppgjorda former. Självklart kan man använda principer i traditionell aikido i många sammanhang, såsom konflikthantering och självskydd. Det är viktigt att skilja på aikidoträning i dojon som bygger på överenskommelser och dess tillämpning i specifika situationer. Vi har inga tävlingar.


Group 4:
Base & intermediate: Tuesdays at 17.30-18.45 (of which 30 minutes bukiwaza)
Base & intermediate: Thursdays at 17.00-18.00 (shared mat with group 3)

Group 5:
Base: Tuesdays at 17.30-18.45 (shared carpet with group 4)
Base & intermediate: “The road to Shodan” Thursdays at 19.00-20.00 (shared mat for base & sequel)
Bukiwaza: Mondays from 6.15 pm to 7.15 pm (with the regular adult group)

Many in group 5 also train in the regular adult sessions.

On Thursdays, we have cross-fit for everyone who wants to join at 18.15-18.45

Clothes for training

Simple training clothes are enough for the first few weeks, trousers and a sweater with long sleeves. However, we urge everyone to buy a uniform as soon as possible, partly because it is more appropriate with a uniform, partly because it is an important identity-creating factor to wear a real gi (training uniform). We train barefoot, so it is important that you wash your feet before the training.

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