Aikido SLOW
Balance training, fall training, coordination
Welcome to aikido training where we practice daring to fall over without straining ourselves, nor injuries, and learn how to get back up. We train balance and how to become softer and more mobile – at a slow pace. Training, reduces your risk for injuries in the event of a fall accident.
By practicing Aikido SLOW, you contribute both to your own safety and a safer society. We also have a very nice community!
Welcome to aikido training at Riai!
News report in Gö about Aikido SLOW.
Short version och longer version of the news report.
You can watch a video clip about Aikido SLOW here!
WHEN: Tuesdays 10-11 am
WHERE: Riai Aikido Dojo, Raketgatan 9 (stop: Wavrinskys plats)
WHO: Everybody who wants to train aikido, but at a slower pace
Questions? Phone: 0704-568378.