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Sponsor Young Leaders

Do you want to sponsor Riai Aikido Dojo and our young leaders?

Riai has a large children and youth group, led by dedicated instructors, both adults and youth. Our goal is to always have both adults and Young Leaders in all children’s groups. All involvement at Riai is non-profit.

For youth over the age of 13 and who have been active for a long time in regular training, we recurrently offer our own leadership program “Young Leaders”, which runs for 6 months. Our first group of Young Leaders graduated in May 2016 and a total of 11 girls and 12 boys between 13-17 years have completed the training. Every semester, many adults and Young Leaders are involved, during the autumn of 2019, eight Young Leaders and eight adult instructors were active leaders in the various groups of children and youth activities.

We make sure our instructors not only have knowledge of aikido, but also are trained in pedagogy, leadership and sports injuries. Aikido is a Japanese martial art, and now we want to offer the young leaders to go to Japan with some of us instructors.

In the autumn of 2020, we plan to go to Tokyo and Iwama, on a combined cultural and training trip with the active young leaders, for inspiration and motivation to continue to develop, lead and train. In order for everyone to be able to join, we have established the fund “Riai Aikido Young Leadership Fund”. We gratefully accept all contributions from individuals, as well as companies. All contributions deposited in the account is used exclusively for the youth trip to Japan.

(In connection with the corona, our journey will be postponed to the fall vacation 2021.)

The long-term goal of the established fund is to be able to go on inspirational trips with the young leaders on a regular basis.

If your company wants a sponsorship diploma, which certifies it has sponsored the Aikido Association Riai Aikido Dojo’s children and youth activities, we will of course send it.

Swish number: 1234897617
Bankgiro number: 5405-7476
Recipient: Riai Aikido Young Leadership Fund

Do you want to know more about our trip or about the fund? Get in touch with Pia at

Many thanks in advance for your contribution!

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